Thursday, September 4, 2008

Bummed & Confused

So I've hit another funk in the last couple of days. I think it basically just stems from so many things going wrong and things being out of my control. Yesterday I slipped and put my arm through our glass storm door and it cut it all up. So I had to miss work and they were not happy about it. I understand that, I truly do. And we've been having a lot of problems with people not showing up and calling out for stupid reasons lately. But it wasn't my fault! It's not like I did it on purpose. So I went by there yesterday afternoon just to prove that it wasn't something that I made up.

So today I was supposed to go to Shelbyville to start teaching again, and although I was not looking forward to it b/c of my arm, I was going to suck it up and do it. So I took the kids to school this morning and came home to do a few things before I headed out. Ms. Mandy (Wil's teacher) called to say they had found a little rash behind his left ear and it was either a form of chicken pox that is going around or ringworm. Either way, I had to go get him and take him to the doctor to find out. Grrrrrrrrrrreat. Not that I minded picking him up, but that meant no work. So I called one of my bosses, who was not happy, and I don't blame her honestly. But again, it was completely out of my control! It's not like I told Wil to get sick and make me miss work for the 2nd day in a row. *Sigh* I just hate it and I felt SO guilty about it...but honestly, my family comes before my job. And it would be the same way if it were my bosses' kid that got sick. I was in tears when I talked to her, but there was nothing I could do.

So now I'm at a crossroads. I love my job and what I do, and in all reality, my bosses are pretty great too. They've helped me out countless times when I've needed it. I just feel like I can't do this job to my full ability right now. Maybe it's time to move on and find a job where I work during the day and can be home with the kids when they get out of school. I just don't know or how to figure it out. I think I'll just set up a meeting with my boss and talk to him about it. And I've had these thoughts before, but then something would happen and change the circumstances and make things ok for me there. I just don't think that's going to happen this time.


The Foley 5 said...

Oh Jen, I truely feel for you. I can totally relate to how you are feeling right now as I was in the same prediciment many times when I was raising Jaz. I'm SO sorry you are having to go through this and that your boss is not being understanding during a time when you need him to be the most! Think things through and an answer will come to you. You're awesome and if your boss can't see that then it's his loss ... seriously!!! Higs girl, keep your head up!!

The Todd's said...

I'm sorry Jen~I know you love that job and it's so hard to think about leaving it. Have you thought about doing some type of educational assistant job at the kids' school? I have no idea about any specifics, I've just kept that in mind for when Bailey goes to school.

Ashley said...

Awww, Jen, I'm sorry you're having a rough time. Change can sometimes be good, but getting to that point is frustrating and nerve-wracking. I just pray that things fall into place and help make your decision an easy one. Call if you need to:)